
Silk spectre tijuana comic
Silk spectre tijuana comic

Her decision to recruit Petey onto this mission was probably not nearly as cavalier as she pretended. We saw Petey get chewed out by his FBI boss for thinking that Rorschach’s journal was a good insight into the Seventh Kavalry’s mindset, but clearly, Laurie agrees. It was written in Rorschach’s journal, so the only way Laurie would know it would be if she read the journal. Unlike the Manhattan quote, that line wasn’t spoken aloud in Laurie’s presence. Curtains.” That is a quote from none other than Rorschach, and it comes after the vigilante tells his iconic joke about the clown Pagliacci (which you may know from Twitter memes even if you haven’t read the comic). The second comes at the end of her story, after God has been killed: “Roll on snare drum. The first is the aforementioned Doctor Manhattan line about the negligible difference between a dead body and a live one.

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Laurie directly quotes other characters’ Watchmen lines twice in this episode.The original Watchmen draws many parallels between Veidt and the marooned protagonist of the Tales of the Black Freighter comic, but it’s unclear yet if its appearance here is just an Easter egg for book readers or something more. No better way to kick off this week’s edition than to note that the flag of the Black Freighter, the pirate ship from Watchmen‘s comic-within-a-comic and the namesake of this section, was finally visible in this week’s episode when Veidt gallops past it.

Silk spectre tijuana comic